Thursday, November 6, 2008


I have been remiss in posting for nearly a month here. I think we're on a clear, joyous path to peace--or at least--more peace than we've had lately, and I will endeavor to post more regularly here, both on the days when peace looks likely, and as I have in the past, when it seems difficult.
For now, let us pray and thank God for the gift of a truly compassionate, kind leader, and one who is committed to working WITH, not against our friends and allies, and working TOWARDS a future with our "enemies". President-Elect(How I love saying that!!)Barack Obama is going to help us turn this around, so we can look to the future, and go forward into this world. We truly have much for which to be grateful!
Peace, kids.


Anonymous said...

This is truly a time to be grateful for. I am jubilant!

Lisa Nanette Allender said...

I am still walking on air over Obama winning, and winning--as I predicted, many months ago--by a landslide!Yaaaa for us!